Property Management, Real Estate & Consulting Services


‘We’, ‘Us’, and ‘Our’ shall mean Day Tool & Mfg., Inc., our customer or areas of our responsibility. ‘You’, or ‘Your’ shall mean the supplier (or vendor) and/or your sub-tier(s).

‘Corrective Action’ shall mean taking action to preclude recurrence of the problem (typically using a CAR ‘Corrective Action Report’).
‘Nonconforming Product’ shall mean product that does not meet some requirement (this can mean miss-labeled product, co-mingled product. etc., as well as product that does not meet dimensional requirements, tolerances, specifications or other agreements).

‘Approved Vendor List’ (AVL): Day Tool & Mfg., Inc. incorporates a system where suppliers are evaluated and placed on a list (with their status and ‘scope’ of approval). Suppliers are then continually re-evaluated, as used.

Supplier Status:

New suppliers are selected based on their capability to meet requirements, are judged against our internal criteria and are automatically considered ‘conditional’ for a 60 day period, after which our Senior Management may upgrade the status to ‘Approved’. ‘Conditional’ status can be extended (or re-applied) if deemed necessary. Also, if necessary, a status of ‘Disapproved’ may also be used.

Supplier acknowledges it shall:

Failure to do so jeopardizes your supplier status.

Standard Requirements:

You agree to meet or exceed all agreed to requirements and to protect our products and property from damage while in your possession. No changes to the PO, the materials, the specifications or the requirements shall be made without our prior written approval. Verification at Day Tool & Mfg., Inc. may include requirements for objective evidence of product quality and conformance to stated requirements, certificates of conformity, test results and reports and/or any other appropriate process control documentation. If not stated on the PO, the details of the type and style of verification used for your shipped product in the acceptance / non-acceptance process are welcomed, and will be provided (contact by phone or email). Your position on our Approved Vendor List (AVL) shall also be gladly given.

Supplier acknowledges it shall also:

Tier II Requirements:

When identified as Tier II on the Purchase Order, the following “Quality Clauses” are also required (in addition to the above)

  1. The records pertaining to the manufacture or processing, inspection and test of our products shall be retained for a minimum of twenty (20) years.
  2. All of our purchasing requirements shall be met and flowed down to sub-tier suppliers or subcontractors. This may include, if indicated on the PO, the use of special requirements, critical items, Key Characteristics, FAI, and statistical techniques to be used for product acceptance.
  3. The supplier acknowledges Day Tool & Mfg., Inc.’s right of access to its facilities, product, and/or related quality records at any time, by us, our customer, or regulatory authorities in order to verify quality of products or work. Right of access may be limited to only those records and product applicable to our products or contracts.
  4. The supplier shall implement a quality management system. This shall include ensuring employees/staff are aware of the importance of their contribution to quality of goods/services and how it effects safety, and of the importance of ethical behavior.
  5. The supplier shall maintain traceability at all times (including delivery) to serial numbers, heat lots, PO’s, and clearly identify and segregate any non-conforming product.
  6. The supplier is to notify Day Tool & Mfg., Inc. immediately of suspect or actual non-conformances, unexpected anomalies, changes in product and/or process, changes of suppliers, and/or changes of manufacturing facility location. We reserve the right to approve such changes or incidents before work is allowed to proceed.
  7. The supplier will notify Day Tool & Mfg., Inc. immediately of suspect or actual counterfeit product. This product shall be identified and held until futher instructed by us.

Effective 08/20/2019 (F-064 E)